Why I'll Always Say No to Beyond Meat and Fake Meat Products | Real Food Advocate
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Why I'll Always Say No to Beyond Meat and Fake Meat Products

I will have a steak please!
No Thanks Beyond Meat

Hey there, food enthusiasts! Today, I want to talk about something that's been on my mind for a while now – the rise of Beyond Meat and other fake meat products. While they may seem like a trendy and eco-friendly alternative to traditional meat, I've got some concerns that I believe are worth addressing.

First and foremost, let me make it clear that I'm a firm believer in the importance of real, whole foods in our diet. I've always been a proponent of eating foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. In my view, the further we stray from that, the more we risk compromising our health.

One of my biggest issues with Beyond Meat and its counterparts is their highly processed nature. These products are made by extracting proteins from various plant sources, then adding a laundry list of ingredients to make them look, taste, and feel like real meat. Is that really what we should be putting into our bodies? I don't think so.

The truth is, when you start tinkering with food to this extent, you lose many of the natural benefits that come with it. For example, these fake meats often lack the same nutritional profile as real meat. They might have added vitamins and minerals, but they're still a far cry from the nutrient-dense, bioavailable goodness you get from a steak or a piece of salmon.

What's more concerning is the lack of long-term studies on the health effects of consuming these products regularly. We're essentially playing guinea pigs with our health, trusting that these products are safe for long-term consumption when there's no substantial evidence to support that claim.

Now, let's talk about the elephant in the room – the profits that corporations and government programs stand to gain from the popularity of fake meat. These products are incredibly lucrative, and it's no secret that the government often subsidizes large agricultural corporations. So, it's entirely reasonable to be skeptical about the motives behind the push for fake meat. Is it about our health, or is it about profit?

I believe that real food should always be our first choice. It's a simple and time-tested approach to nutrition that doesn't rely on the latest food trends or the profit margins of multinational corporations.

Before I wrap this up, let me emphasize that I respect everyone's dietary choices, and I'm not here to judge anyone's preferences. If you enjoy Beyond Meat or other fake meat products occasionally, that's entirely your prerogative. My aim here is to shed light on the potential downsides and encourage you to think critically about what you put on your plate.

In conclusion, while the allure of Beyond Meat and fake meat products may be strong, I'll always recommend sticking with real, whole foods for the sake of your health and the long-term well-being of our food system. Let's prioritize our health over corporate profits and make informed choices about what we eat.


  1. Mozaffarian, D., Rosenberg, I., & Uauy, R. (2018). History of modern nutrition science—implications for current research, dietary guidelines, and food policy. BMJ, 361, k2392.

  2. Nutritional Comparison: Beyond Burger vs. Beef Burger. (2020). Center for Science in the Public Interest.

  3. Nestle, M. (2020). Unsavory Truth: How Food Companies Skew the Science of What We Eat. Basic Books.

  4. Kearney, J. (2010). Food consumption trends and drivers. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 365(1554), 2793-2807.

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