The Seed Oil Dilemma: How Processed Oils Are Impacting Our Health and Waistlines
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The Seed Oil Dilemma: How Processed Oils Are Impacting Our Health and Waistlines

canola oil and  inflammation
Canola, seed oils have serious concequences

In recent decades, our dietary landscape has undergone a seismic shift, with the prominence of traditional fats giving way to a new player on the scene: seed oils. These oils, derived from soybean, canola, corn, and sunflower seeds, have infiltrated our food supply at an alarming rate, reshaping not only our eating habits but also our health. In this opinion piece, we'll delve into the processing of seed oils, their profound effects on human health, the concerning rise of obesity in the Western world, and the intriguing history of seed oil marketing. We'll also explore the profit motives behind the seed oil industry and propose healthier alternatives based on the Weston A. Price Foundation's guidelines.

The Journey from Field to Bottle: Seed Oil Processing

To understand the dangers of seed oils, it's essential to grasp the extent of their processing. Unlike traditional animal fats that have been part of human diets for millennia, seed oils are a relatively recent addition. The extraction process typically involves high heat, chemical solvents, and refining, which can lead to the formation of harmful compounds. Additionally, some seed oils may contain trans fats, well-established villains in the world of nutrition. These processing methods not only alter the composition of these oils but can also result in the introduction of harmful substances.

Western Obesity Epidemic and the Seed Oil Connection

The rise of seed oils has coincided with an alarming increase in obesity rates in Western societies. While it's an oversimplification to blame seed oils alone for this epidemic, their consumption is undeniably a contributing factor. Diets high in omega-6 fatty acids, abundant in seed oils but lacking in omega-3s, have been linked to chronic inflammation and metabolic disturbances, both of which are associated with weight gain and obesity. It's time we consider the role of these oils in our expanding waistlines.

The Origins of Seed Oil Margarine and Its Impact on Health

Seed oils' journey into our kitchens can be traced back to a peculiar beginning: their marketing as turkey fattening food. This curious genesis soon evolved into the production of margarine, an alternative to butter touted as a healthier option. However, margarine's true impact on health became clear as it was revealed to contain trans fats, causing widespread health concerns.

Profits Driving the Seed Oil Industry

The dominance of seed oils in the food industry is no accident; it's driven by profit motives. Seed oils are cheap to produce and have a longer shelf life, making them a cost-effective choice for manufacturers. Moreover, the seed oil industry has invested heavily in marketing campaigns to ensure their products' ubiquity. Government subsidies for crops like soybeans and corn have also played a role in promoting seed oils as a lucrative enterprise.

The Prevalence of Seed Oils in Processed Foods

Seed oils are not just found in bottles on grocery store shelves; they are ubiquitous in the processed foods that fill our pantries. Walk down any supermarket aisle, and you'll find a litany of snacks, cereals, and prepared meals brimming with these oils. The convenience and profitability of seed oils have made them a favorite ingredient of the food industry.

Choosing Healthier Alternatives

So, what can we do to mitigate the impact of seed oils on our health? The Weston A. Price Foundation, known for promoting traditional and whole-food-based diets, recommends turning back to time-tested fats. These include traditional animal fats like butter, lard, and tallow, which have been part of human diets for generations. These fats are less processed and offer a more balanced fatty acid profile.


The seed oil dilemma is a multifaceted issue that intertwines with our health, our food industry, and our waistlines. While seed oils should hold no place in our modern diet, their widespread consumption and processing will continually raise concerns. To safeguard our health and well-being, it's prudent to revisit the fats our ancestors thrived on and adopt a more balanced approach to nutrition. In doing so, we can take a step towards reducing our reliance on seed oils and working towards healthier lifestyles.

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